Culture of poverty
– Need 5 online academic resources (.gov .org .edu etc)
– Works cited do not count towards overall page count
-1 inch margins on all sides
– Size 12, standard font (Times New Roman)
Objectivity: Students are asked to determine a stance/position on the topic that is insightful, and to take into account the complexities of this issue. This will include an objective exploration of the limitations of their stance, as well as a consideration of alternative viewp01oints. Evidence from expert sources, with sufficient evaluation/interpretation, must be provided in order to avoid an opinionbased paper. Chances are you will pick a topic you feel strongly about. Passion is great, but remember that you are an objective social scientist. Do not let your own biases bleed on to the page. Please do take a stance on your topic, but you must be able to support it with valid, academic research, and take into consideration both the limits of your perspective and the viewp01oints of others. This should not be an opinion paper. Be a social scientist.